Can I Separate My Business Page from My Personal Account on Facebook?

Can I Separate My Business Page from My Personal Account on Facebook

Facebook has become an essential platform for individuals and businesses alike to connect, engage, and promote their products or services. However, many people are curious if they can detach their business page from their personal account on Facebook. In this article, we will explore the possibilities, benefits, and steps to achieve this separation.

Understanding Facebook Pages and Personal Accounts

Facebook allows users to create personal accounts for personal interactions and relationships. In contrast, Facebook Pages are created for businesses, brands, public figures, and organizations to establish an online presence and interact with their desired audience.

The Benefits of Separating Business Page and Personal Account

Separating your business page from your personal account on Facebook offers several advantages:

  1. Professional Image: Keeping your personal and business profiles separate helps maintain a professional image for your brand or organization.
  2. Privacy: By separating the two, you can control the privacy settings for each account independently. This ensures that personal updates and content are not accessible to your business page audience.
  3. Enhanced Analytics: A separate business page allows you to access valuable insights and analytics specific to your brand’s performance, enabling you to make data-driven decisions.
  4. Targeted Marketing: With a dedicated business page, you can run targeted advertising campaigns and reach a wider audience that aligns with your business objectives.

How to Create a Business Page on Facebook

Creating a business page on Facebook is a straightforward process:

  1. Log in to your personal Facebook account.
  2. Click on the downward arrow in the top-right corner and select “Create Page.”
  3. Choose the appropriate category for your business or brand.
  4. Provide the necessary details, such as page name, category, description, and profile picture.
  5. Customize your page by adding relevant information, posts, and engaging content.

Transferring Ownership or Admin Rights to a Business Page

If you already have a business page connected to your personal account, you may consider transferring ownership or admin rights to ensure a clean separation. This process allows you to assign someone else as the primary owner or admin of the page.
To transfer ownership or admin rights:

  1. Go to your business page settings.
  2. Click on “Page Roles.”
  3. Enter the name or email address of the person you want to transfer ownership or admin rights to.
  4. Select the appropriate role from the dropdown menu.
  5. Click “Add.”

Steps to Separate a Business Page from a Personal Account

To separate your business page from your personal account on Facebook, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your personal Facebook account.
  2. Go to your business page.
  3. Click on “Settings” in the top-right corner.
  4. From the left-hand menu, select “Page Roles.”
  5. Remove yourself from any admin or owner roles.
  6. Assign a trusted individual as the new admin or owner of the page.
  7. Confirm the changes.

Managing Multiple Business Pages on Facebook

If you have multiple businesses or brands, Facebook allows you to manage them efficiently by providing the option to switch between different business pages within your personal account. This feature simplifies the management process and allows you to monitor and engage with your audiences seamlessly.
To manage multiple business pages:

  1. Log in to your personal Facebook account.
  2. Click on the downward arrow in the top-right corner.
  3. Select the desired business page from the drop-down menu.


Q1: Can I have multiple business pages on Facebook?

Yes, you can create and manage multiple business pages on Facebook using your personal account.

Q2: Is it possible to transfer a business page to another account?

Yes, you can transfer ownership or admin rights of a business page to another Facebook account.

Q3: Will separating my business page affect my personal account’s visibility?

No, separating your business page will not impact the visibility of your personal account on Facebook.

Q4: Can I merge my personal account with a business page?

Facebook does not allow merging personal accounts with business pages. It is advisable to keep them separate.

Q5: Can I delete my personal account and keep the business page?

Yes, you can delete your personal account while retaining ownership of the business page or transferring ownership to another account.

Q6: How can I create a business page on Facebook?

To create a business page on Facebook, log in to your personal account and follow the instructions provided in the “How to Create a Business Page on Facebook” section of this article.

Q7: Can I transfer ownership of a business page to someone else?

Yes, Facebook enables you to transfer ownership or admin rights of a business page to another individual. Refer to the “Transferring Ownership or Admin Rights to a Business Page” section for detailed steps.

Q8: What happens if I remove myself from the admin or owner role on a business page?

If you remove yourself from the admin or owner role on a business page, you will no longer have control over its management. Make sure to designate a trusted individual as the new admin or owner before proceeding with this change.

Q9: Can I merge two business pages on Facebook?

Yes, Facebook provides the option to merge two business pages if they have similar names, represent the same entity, and have similar audiences. However, combining personal accounts with business pages is not permitted.


Separating your business page from your personal account on Facebook is a practical and beneficial approach to maintaining a professional online presence. It allows you to establish a clear distinction between your personal and professional life, ensuring privacy, enhanced analytics, and targeted marketing opportunities. By following the steps provided, you can create and manage a separate business page while retaining control of your personal account.